Monday, February 9, 2009

Money = separators not lumpers for more money to the institution

The continued separation of medicine is for politico-economic purposes only.
Without division there are greater possibilities for exchange of information.
This is particularly true for the kidney and the cardiovascular system. Due to their similar embryonic origin, studies involving glomerulonephritis invariably involve explanations of carditis. Since cardiologists do not seek after new treatments in the
nephrology field and vice versa there may be discoveries of sorts that are not being shared between the fields. There certainly has not been an economic stimulus to combine
departments at any medical schools that I know of. This would result in diminished
research funding and invasion of territory. There classically has been a competition
between the two fields and for one to be a cardiologist-nephrologist. Only a medical INFORMATICS department could have sway at collaborative studies in newly discovered information relative to cytokines and inflammatory causes of disease.

I realize this as I read articles form 2003 relative to the kidney that have similar pathologies in Multiple Scleorsis.

Here are the Players IL18, NK cells, HuR, MMP-9 ,TNF, IL1 cleaving

By studying one you solve the problem for 2. Lets block receptors of cytokines, prevent pro-enzyme activation, check our diet, drink water and figure this thing out. If your son had MS you would!