Thursday, September 25, 2008

Green ENEMY: You know who you are and whose you are!

To have the commission from God, and then to be guilty of omission. Yes, of discrimination and being a respector of persons. To give and invite people to the party that you know will invite you back. To love those who love you, yet to "love" what can not love you back as a false idol. To lend to those that you know will pay you back. Or invite to the party to charge the guests. To invite to the wedding and make the bridesmaids buy their garments. To tell someone to make bricks then to take away the straw, the water and the powder, or substitute another powder and charge for it. The ultimate to lay siege to. To kill the babies yet born. To be trusted with the Word and oracles of God, yet to put up an act like the free labor can not be trusted. To divide the righteous heir. To be like the unfaithful wife who tears down her home. To be cause a dispersion of faith.

To be given and entrusted with the Word of God and continue to live in the l of world (the lie of the world).

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